Logs For Year 2022

The core index (CSI300) has no momentum for the past a year and half, due to geopolitics and the pandemic. Domestic economy was heavily hit for the first half of 2022, due to strict lockdown policies.

From Jun, there were measures from the central government to mend the damaged economy, but releasing credits to the market, particularly local governments are allowed to attract funds into housing market once again. The timeline coincides with the lift of lockdown in Shanghai. This entry tries to log the market news along with strategy allocation for my reference later on if the bull keeps on running.

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三千娑婆世界,三千难忘遗憾;回头乃是岸,此岸在何方;堪忍不能忍,万般看不穿;何时放得下,始得自在心。 I'm a programmer, a quantitative analyst, a photography hobbyist, a traveler, a runner, and a nature lover.

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